We have thousands of pictures of Caroline's life. I wish i could post them all. These are just a few.
When we first were told of her terminal diagnosis I decided to document every moment that I could through pictures, video, memory books, and a journal. At the time I thought this was best. After Caroline died, i could not even look at one picture. The pain was so raw of her being gone that the pictures opened that wound and dug it deeper and deeper. Looking at pictures literally took my breath away through sobs of tears, sorrow and almost panic. It was more than I could bare. I wondered why I took so many pictures that were such a painful reminder. How was I ever going to be able to sort through them and do something with them?
Thankfully, time does heal and ease the sorrow little by little.
Today was 7 weeks since our baby went to be with the Lord. I have found a sudden urge to share her story. To let everyone know that her life was and still is valuable.
In a time when people throw away their babies just because they are an inconvenience and a time when doctors tell mothers to terminate their special needs babies because they are "incompatible with life", I want to stand up and shout to the world that every life is precious, a gift from God, no matter how un-perfect to man's eyes they are. These babies deserve the chance of life outside their mothers womb, even if they don't ever get to take a breath. That is God's decision, not ours. Their souls are just as important and valuable to God as ours, not to mention they lives they will touch and change here on earth.
I am not the same person I was before knowing Caroline. She has left a mark on me, my family, my friends, and hundreds of others lives; a mark that will never be forgotten. Who and where would we be today, right now, if we had never given her the chance to live? We are better people for knowing her. The sacrifice of laying down our lives in service to her was hard but worth every moment. We do not regret one thing about her life.
So here is the story of Caroline's life in pictures. I had not watched the whole slideshow until tonight. I cried bitter tears. Tears from a place i have never known before. Tears of joy and pain. Tears of happiness and sorrow. It is so beautiful! We are so blessed to have known and loved this precious soul.
A dear friend spent hours putting this together, not to mention taking most of the pictures too. Bless you Shannon! You did what i may never be able to do myself. To tell her story this way. I can never thank you enough for your selflessness. Thanks also to 2 local photographers who donated their time and resources to capture our family in pictures. Blessings to you too~Sarah Giles and Shannon Morton.
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